1:8 Buggy EVO Wheels Yellow (4pcs.) AKA24003Y(Compatible Kits )
- Out of stock¥77,000Experience 8-time World Championship winning performance in electric power! Readyset makes it easy for everyone to enjoy world-class performance!
- ¥59,400
INFERNO ready to shock the world of electric-powered off-road! Combination of KYOSHO and TEAM ORION realizes the ultimate electric racing machine!
- Brushless Motor Powered 4WD Racing Buggy Inferno MP9e TKI Readyset Color Type I : Black/Blue 30877T1Out of stock¥71,500MP9e TKI that swept the world launches as a Readyset! Packed with performance to dominate any off-road circuit!
- Out of stock¥66,000Discover the magic of the advanced INFERNO chassis powered by a GXR28SG engine! Experience the racing DNA of the World Champion in Readyset package!
- Out of stock¥44,000Own the machine with World Champion DNA at the amazing Readyset price of 42,000 Yen!!
- Out of stock¥44,000World Champion DNA is infused into the best value in the sport buggy segment! Performance worthy of the Inferno name is now even easier to own!
- Out of stock¥46,200Ultimate Readyset features newly developed KE21R engine and user-friendly 2.4GHz R/C system! World-class Inferno DNA combines with a new generation chassis for spectacular performance!
- Out of stock¥46,200Ultimate Readyset features newly developed KE21R engine and user-friendly 2.4GHz R/C system! World-class Inferno DNA combines with a new generation chassis for spectacular performance!
- Out of stock¥92,400
世界選手権 通算7回 優勝!世界最強チームのレプリカモデルが、市販化!
- Out of stock¥148,500Total of seven World Championship victories ! Replica of the world championship winning team's machine ! Test your skills with the world best performance !
- Out of stock¥129,800
王者の誇りをかけて磨き抜かれた、歴代最強シャシー。 レースでの勝利だけをテーマにした、純粋なるメカニズム。
- Out of stock¥176,000A completely new chassis design regenerates the king of the off-road. SIRIO engine completes the ultimate racing combination!
- Out of stock¥88,000
世界最高峰の走りを、すべてのバギーファンに! 絶妙のアレンジで「走りそのまま、価格フレンドリー」を実現。
- Out of stock¥101,200
アップグレードしたTKIの戦闘力を、工場半完成で実現! 熟練スタッフによる組立てと金井祐一氏によるチェックで、信頼の走り!
- Out of stock¥96,800
世界で戦うTKIの戦闘力を、さらにアップグレード! 勝つための進化を徹底!しかもプライスダウンも同時に実現!
- GP 4WD RACING BUGGY INFERNO MP9 TKI2 KIT Cody King SP Combo Set (WC) with ALPHA CRF21 Engine 31785CKOut of stock¥140,800Limited Edition of the buggy and engine combination that delivered the Inferno its 8th World Championship victory! World Champion Cody King’s signature spec, engraved with his name!
- Out of stock¥140,800Limited Edition of the buggy and engine combination that delivered the Inferno its 8th World Championship victory! Jared Tebo’s signature World Championship TQ spec, engraved with his name!
- Out of stock¥96,800
かつてない過酷な世界選手権を制したマシンをすべての人に! 世界が認める最強伝説を、誰もが試せる日がやってきた!
- Out of stock¥101,200
かつてない過酷な世界選手権を制したマシンを半完成で提供! 世界が認める最強マシンを、誰もが試せる日がやってきた!
- Out of stock¥101,200
Semi-assembled by skilled staff, they have a lot of knowhow and experience of MP9. And checked individually by Yuichi Kanai! Almost Ready to Race!
- Out of stock¥57,200
世界選手権を8度制したインファーノが、待望レディセットになった! 手軽なプライスで憧れのMP9 TKI3の走り!夢のパッケージングが実現!
- Out of stock¥66,000Inferno performance that delivered 8 World Championship titles is now available in a Readyset!
- Out of stock¥104,500
Stronger than ever, The world’s performance benchmark has now been set.
- Out of stock¥115,500
Final check conducted individually by former world champion and Inferno developer Yuichi Kanai! Semi-assembled kit can be ready same day for the big race!
- ¥54,780
Go anywhere, anytime!
Engine-powered off-road racing buggy performance is now available in a Readyset - ¥54,780
Go anywhere, anytime!
Engine-powered off-road racing buggy performance is now available in a Readyset - Out of stock¥54,780
Go anywhere, anytime!
Engine-powered off-road racing buggy performance is now available in a Readyset
- Out of stock¥54,780
Go anywhere, anytime!
Engine-powered off-road racing buggy performance is now available in a Readyset