Slipper Spring (ZX-5) LA207(Compatible Kits )
- Out of stock¥57,200
4WDレーシングバギーを代表するレーザーZX-5 FS2が、SPへと進化! 剛性感としなやかさが引き出す走りに、にさらなる戦闘力を達成!
- Out of stock¥71,500
Years of design expertise combine with the latest racing specs to produce world-beating racing performance! Next generation Lazer ZX 6 is ready to take its place on the racing stage!
- Out of stock¥72,600
Minor model change adapts to high power and high grip in the never-ending pursuit of racing glory.
- Out of stock¥74,800
Endless pursuit of speed and performance realizes
advanced racing technology to deliver the racing edge - Out of stock¥46,200
Full racing specs designed to thrill off-road racing fans the world over! Victory is in your hands with this high-tech racing weapon!
- Out of stock¥36,300
最新のレーシングメソッドを身につけた最速マシン誕生! ブラシレス時代に対応したスペックが、世界の頂点を狙う!
- ¥36,300
目標は2WDレーシングバギー世界一の座。 最新装備の数々が、極めつけの戦闘力を実現した!
- Out of stock¥36,300World-class 2WD racing buggy upgraded! Modifications to key areas supercharge performance!
- Out of stock¥44,000
- Out of stock¥52,800
世界を狙う斬新設計シャシーが、かつてない速さを実現! エキスパートが息をのむシャシー設計が、時代を塗り替える。
- Out of stock¥52,800
- Out of stock¥35,200
Feel the adrenalin rush from this hard charging short course racing truck! Delivers the same blistering off-road performance as the Readyset!
- ¥30,800
Feel the adrenalin rush from this hard charging short course racing truck! Experience blistering off-road performance with a user-friendly Readyset!
- Out of stock¥29,700
Proven electric powered chassis design digs deep for real desert racing action. The excitement of dual-purpose performance, delivered in large size.
- Out of stock¥30,800This Readyset puts world-beating racing technology at your fingertips! Get your hands on a dominant racing machine, at an affordable price!
- Out of stock¥30,800This Readyset puts world-beating racing technology at your fingertips! Get your hands on a dominant racing machine, at an affordable price!
- Out of stock¥30,800This Readyset puts world-beating racing technology at your fingertips! Get your hands on a dominant racing machine, at an affordable price!
- Out of stock¥41,800
世界のZX-5が、オリオンブラシレスモーターを手に入れた! しかもレディセットだから、手軽に最先端の走りが手に入る!