Drive Washer (ZX-5) LA218(Compatible Kits )
- Out of stock¥36,300
最新のレーシングメソッドを身につけた最速マシン誕生! ブラシレス時代に対応したスペックが、世界の頂点を狙う!
- ¥36,300
目標は2WDレーシングバギー世界一の座。 最新装備の数々が、極めつけの戦闘力を実現した!
- Out of stock¥36,300World-class 2WD racing buggy upgraded! Modifications to key areas supercharge performance!
- Out of stock¥44,000
- Out of stock¥52,800
世界を狙う斬新設計シャシーが、かつてない速さを実現! エキスパートが息をのむシャシー設計が、時代を塗り替える。
- Out of stock¥52,800
- Out of stock¥36,300
- Out of stock¥36,300Aerodynamic body combines with shaft-driven 4WD for thrilling touring car performance. Pre-mounted high-performance speed control amp and receiver deliver both speed and control. Take on the competition at the Masaaki Hirosaka produced KYOSHO TF-5 Challenge Cup!
- Out of stock¥36,300
- Out of stock¥30,800This Readyset puts world-beating racing technology at your fingertips! Get your hands on a dominant racing machine, at an affordable price!
- Out of stock¥30,800This Readyset puts world-beating racing technology at your fingertips! Get your hands on a dominant racing machine, at an affordable price!
- Out of stock¥30,800This Readyset puts world-beating racing technology at your fingertips! Get your hands on a dominant racing machine, at an affordable price!
- Out of stock¥41,800
世界のZX-5が、オリオンブラシレスモーターを手に入れた! しかもレディセットだから、手軽に最先端の走りが手に入る!