Shock Spring(5.5-2.1/L=45/Green/2Pcs) IGW004-5521(Compatible Kits )
- Out of stock¥70,400
Large-scale Inferno power is in your hands! Continually upgrade as your technique develops!
- Out of stock¥70,400
迫力のビッグスケールをより身近に! テクニックの上達に合わせたステップアップも可能!
- Out of stock¥70,400
Large-scale Inferno power is in your hands! Continually upgrade as your technique develops!
- Out of stock¥70,400
Large-scale Inferno power is in your hands! Continually upgrade as your technique develops!
- Out of stock¥60,500
ヨーロッパを沸かせているレーストレンドがついに出現! 大排気量エンジン「GXR28」エンジンを搭載したニュージャンル“インファーノGT”シリーズで、かつてないレーシング体験が始まる!!
- Out of stock¥63,800
1/8ツーリングが気軽に楽しめる“インファーノGT”が“GT2”に進化! ロングホイールベース化で、さらなる走りの世界を獲得。
- Out of stock¥63,800
1/8ツーリングが気軽に楽しめる“インファーノGT”が“GT2”に進化! ロングホイールベース化で、さらなる走りの世界を獲得。
- Out of stock¥63,800
1/8ツーリングが気軽に楽しめる“インファーノGT”が“GT2”に進化! ロングホイールベース化で、さらなる走りの世界を獲得。
- Out of stock¥63,800
1/8ツーリングが気軽に楽しめる“インファーノGT”が“GT2”に進化! ロングホイールベース化で、さらなる走りの世界を獲得。
- Out of stock¥89,650Long wheelbase chassis powered by the SIRIO S24T engine! 2-speed A/T with dual disk brakes with reinforced parts for ultimate speed.
- ¥66,000
Large-scale machine evolves with a power surge in performance! Fully featured specifications can even take on high-speed circuit racing.
- Out of stock¥66,000
Large-scale machine evolves with a power surge in performance! Fully featured specifications can even take on high-speed circuit racing.
- ¥66,000
Large-scale machine evolves with a power surge in performance! Fully featured specifications can even take on high-speed circuit racing.
- Out of stock¥66,000
Large-scale machine evolves with a power surge in performance! Fully featured specifications can even take on high-speed circuit racing.
- ¥82,500
Packed with optional performance parts! Circuit-racing spec is ready for battle.
- Out of stock¥74,800
The strongest GT Readyset combination ever is tuned up for more racing power with KE25 engine + 2.4GHz R/C system!
- ¥79,200
The strongest GT Readyset combination ever is tuned up for more racing power with KE25 engine + 2.4GHz R/C system!
- Out of stock¥79,200
The strongest GT Readyset combination ever is tuned up for more racing power with KE25SP engine + 2.4GHz R/C system!
- In stock¥118,800
The strongest GT ready set with the combination of KE25SP2 engine + 2.4GHz R/C system!
- Out of stock¥85,800
New transmitter, receiver and servo work in synergy with the KYOSHO SPEED HOUSE brushless system for improved control in the strongest electric GT machine ever created.
- In stock¥121,000
Transmitter, receiver and servo work in synergy with the KYOSHO SPEED HOUSE brushless system for improved control in the strongest electric GT machine ever created.