Shield Bearing(10x15x4) 2Pcs BRG014(Compatible Kits )
- Out of stock¥52,800
Shaft drive EP touring car designed and built for one thing only: to win!
- Out of stock¥74,800
進化したハイエンドマシンが魅せる、レーシング・ブラシレス時代の最先端! メジャー選手権も視野に入れた、孤高の1/10EPマシン誕生!
- Out of stock¥74,800
Ultimate electric touring machine evolves for even greater performance! Flexibility and high durability combine to power through the most severe racing conditions!
- ¥36,300
目標は2WDレーシングバギー世界一の座。 最新装備の数々が、極めつけの戦闘力を実現した!
- In stock¥41,800
The ultimate revival! Get ready for the resurgence of Kyosho s famous Scorpion! In the spirit of the original but with upgrades throughout!
- In stock¥41,800
The legendary Beetle returns with powerful off-road performance! Spirit of the original is enhanced with modern technology!
- In stock¥46,200
Updated with modern R/C technology, the Spartan design of this pure racing buggy proves its race credentials!
- In stock¥46,200
More performance and style with improvements to each key component, this machine is more than just a reproduction!
- Out of stock¥50,600
Speed has form. The winning formula is …
- In stock¥55,000
Even more competitive, even more cool…
Recreation of the original, but updated with the latest racing tech! - Out of stock¥48,400
From Kyosho’s legendary rear motor Optima Series
Comes the triumphant return of the Optima Pro! - ¥54,780
The founding father of the modern racing buggies.
Lighting quick World Championship debut machine returns! - ¥41,800
The sensation is set to shock the world again!
ULTIMA becomes the 8th model in the Kyosho Vintage Series - Out of stock¥72,600
Most sought after World Championship buggy
‘JJ ULTIMA’ recreated in all its glory! - Out of stock¥74,800
World beating racing buggy drives again!
Revival of the famous Optima Mid - Out of stock¥66,000
Secret high performance works team buggy
Finally revealed to the world! - Out of stock¥28,600
シャフトドライブ4WDシャシーに、リアルなSUPER GT公認ツーリングカーボディもラインナップ! SUPER GTとシンクロしたレースで、実車と変わらぬ面白さ!
- Out of stock¥28,600
シャフトドライブ4WDシャシーに、リアルなSUPER GT公認ツーリングカーボディもラインナップ! SUPER GTとシンクロしたレースで、実車と変わらぬ面白さ!
- Out of stock¥28,600Official Super GT Touring Car body to lineup on a high-performance shaft-driven 4WD chassis! Run your own races in synchronization with the SUPER GT championship!
- Out of stock¥28,600
シャフトドライブ4WDシャシーに、リアルなSUPER GT公認ツーリングカーボディもラインナップ! SUPER GTとシンクロしたレースで、実車と変わらぬ面白さ!
- Out of stock¥28,600
シャフトドライブ4WDシャシー + SUPER GT公認ボディの迫力!
- Out of stock¥36,300
- Out of stock¥36,300Aerodynamic body combines with shaft-driven 4WD for thrilling touring car performance. Pre-mounted high-performance speed control amp and receiver deliver both speed and control. Take on the competition at the Masaaki Hirosaka produced KYOSHO TF-5 Challenge Cup!
- Out of stock¥36,300
- Out of stock¥30,800This Readyset puts world-beating racing technology at your fingertips! Get your hands on a dominant racing machine, at an affordable price!
- Out of stock¥30,800This Readyset puts world-beating racing technology at your fingertips! Get your hands on a dominant racing machine, at an affordable price!
- Out of stock¥30,800This Readyset puts world-beating racing technology at your fingertips! Get your hands on a dominant racing machine, at an affordable price!
- Out of stock¥41,800
世界のZX-5が、オリオンブラシレスモーターを手に入れた! しかもレディセットだから、手軽に最先端の走りが手に入る!
- Out of stock¥27,500
A new generation of high-performance EP touring cars has arrived! Low C of G combines with superior control and durability.
- Out of stock¥27,500
EPツーリングに新時代を築く孤高のコストパフォーマンスを達成。 低重心を極め、抜群の操縦性を発揮する4WDマシンを2.4GHzプロポが付いたレディセットで実現!
- Out of stock¥27,500
EPツーリングに新時代を築く孤高のコストパフォーマンスを達成。 低重心を極め、抜群の操縦性を発揮する4WDマシンを2.4GHzプロポが付いたレディセットで実現!
- Out of stock¥26,400
EPラリーカーに新時代を築く孤高のコストパフォーマンス! 低重心を極めた4WDシャシーで、グラベルからターマックまで抜群の操縦性!
- Out of stock¥27,500
2.4GHzプロポ搭載レディセットで楽しむリアルなラリーマシンの走り! 先進の低重心4WDシャシーが、ラフロードからターマックまで抜群の操縦性を発揮!
- Out of stock¥26,400
Realistic rally machine Readyset includes pre-installed 2.4GHz R/C system! Advanced low C of G 4WD chassis tears up both rough and sealed roads!
- ¥39,600Newly designed brushless motor powered rally car!
- Out of stock¥39,600Newly designed brushless motor powered rally car!
- Out of stock¥25,300The EP Fazer Kobra sets new standards for value and performance in the 1/10 off-road category. Built on an ultra-rugged and low-maintenance platform, the Kobra delivers the dramatic action of high-performance racing with a dynamic design that breaks the mold for budget off-roading!
- Out of stock¥25,300
EPバギー新時代を告げる、高機能2.4GHzプロポ搭載完成バギー出現! 先進の低重心4WDシャシーが扱いやすさと高性能を融合!
- Out of stock¥25,300
New generation EP buggy controlled with an advanced 2.4GHz R/C system! Low center gravity 4WD chassis combines high performance and easy handling.