Fluorine Shield Bearing Set(DRX/DBX2.0/D TRW157(Compatible Kits )
- Out of stock¥46,200
Works with both Lipo or NiMH batteries! So easy to achieve amazing speed! Next generation power unit delivers top performance on any surface!
- Out of stock¥48,400
Perfect introduction to monster trucking on race circuits, parking lots, and off-road! High output realizes a new mid-size Monster Truck with dynamic running power!
- Out of stock¥49,500
Brushless motor power and lightweight chassis lift performance above its class. Pushes EP monster trucking beyond the bounds of common sense!
- Out of stock¥46,200Handy 1/10 size but drives like a 1/8 class! 2.4GHz R/C system pre-installed! Evolution of the next generation 2.0 electric buggy with longer wheelbase!
- Out of stock¥52,800
Brushless motor power delivers real rally car performance. The limits of EP rally machine performance have changed forever!
- Out of stock¥52,800
Brushless motor power delivers real rally car performance. The limits of EP rally machine performance have changed forever!
- Out of stock¥52,800
Brushless motor power delivers real rally car performance. The limits of EP rally machine performance have changed forever!
- Out of stock¥52,800
Brushless motor power delivers real rally car performance. The limits of EP rally machine performance have changed forever!
- Out of stock¥44,000
リアルさを極め、迫力のエンジンサウンドでオフロードを駆け抜ける! スケールフィールとレーシング性能の両立を、レディセットで実現!
- Out of stock¥40,700
リアルなディティールと迫力のエンジンサウンド! 本物のスケールモデルの走りがここにあります。
- Out of stock¥40,700Exquisite detail and growling engine sound! Scale model looks and drives just like the real machine.
- Out of stock¥44,000
- Out of stock¥40,700Exquisite detail and growling engine sound! Scale model looks and drives just like the real machine.
- Out of stock¥33,000
走りまでリアルなラリーマシンが、ボディレスシャシーキットで登場! 好みのボディで楽しめて、スペアカーにも最適!
- Out of stock¥44,000
レースで勝つためのR246ブランドパーツを付属! Ver.2に進化した、京商トロフィーに最適なシャシーキット!
- Out of stock¥46,200
2-Speed A/T installed! Set your sights on the Kyosho Trophy! Limited release chassis kit for drivers looking for extra speed!
- Out of stock¥46,200
The sweet sound of the exhaust note adds extra realism to the rally machine running style. Official car to compete for the Kyosho Trophy, with a 2.4GHz R/C system in a Readyset package!
- Out of stock¥46,200
リアルさを極めたラリーマシンが、魅力的なエキゾーストノートともに駆け抜ける。 京商トロフィー公認車両を2.4GHzプロポのレディセットで実現!
- Out of stock¥46,200
The sweet sound of the exhaust note adds extra realism to the rally machine running style. Official car to compete for the Kyosho Trophy, with a 2.4GHz R/C system in a Readyset package!
- Out of stock¥46,200
The sweet sound of the exhaust note adds extra realism to the rally machine running style. Official car to compete for the Kyosho Trophy, with a 2.4GHz R/C system in a Readyset package!
- Out of stock¥46,200
The sweet sound of the exhaust note adds extra realism to the rally machine running style. Official car to compete for the Kyosho Trophy, with a 2.4GHz R/C system in a Readyset package!
- Out of stock¥44,000
The convenience of 1/10 size but with the power of 1/8! Readyset with 2.4GHz R/C system pre-installed! Make way for this advanced high-performance mid-size monster truck!
- Out of stock¥41,800
手軽さは1/10のまま、走りは1/8の高性能。 新時代オフロードスポーツを実現する、18エンジンバギー。
- Out of stock¥41,800The user-friendliness of 1/10 combines with powerful 1/8 performance. 18-size engine Stadium Truck launches a new era in off-road sports.
- Out of stock¥44,000
1/10クラスの手軽さで、1/8クラスの豪快な走りが楽しめる! 扱いやすさと高性能を極めた、新時代の18エンジンバギー!
- Out of stock¥44,000Convenience of 1/10 class but with big 1/8 class excitement! New generation 18-size engine buggy combines user-friendliness with powerful performance!
- Out of stock¥46,200
R/C system and servo enhance dynamic brushless motor performance with the latest control technology!