Linkage Set (FD65) 97006(Compatible Kits )
- ¥63,800
Advanced chassis design is equipped with a newly developed 2.4GHz R/C system to produce the strongest electric buggy Readyset around! World Champion Inferno chassis DNA and the technical skill of Team Orion unite in the ultimate buggy combination!
- Out of stock¥28,600
Roll over any terrain with this fully functioning electric tracked machine!
- Out of stock¥55,000
- Out of stock¥57,200
リジッドアクスル4WD+3速A/Tが叶えた豪快な走り! フェイルセーフ機能付2.4GHzプロポ搭載レディセットで、気軽に楽しもう!
- Out of stock¥57,200
Rigid axle 4WD combines with 3-speed A/T to generate incredible speed and power! Readyset includes 2.4GHz control system with failsafe function for extra peace of mind!
- ¥59,400
Go ballistic with rigid axle 4WD 3-speed A/T + 25-class engine power!––
- Out of stock¥66,000Discover the magic of the advanced INFERNO chassis powered by a GXR28SG engine! Experience the racing DNA of the World Champion in Readyset package!
- Out of stock¥44,000Own the machine with World Champion DNA at the amazing Readyset price of 42,000 Yen!!
- Out of stock¥44,000World Champion DNA is infused into the best value in the sport buggy segment! Performance worthy of the Inferno name is now even easier to own!
- Out of stock¥46,200
スイッチONですぐに走れる2.4GHzプロポKT-100を搭載した最強レディセット! 世界のインファーノの走りが気軽に楽しめる、理想の1/8GPバギー!
- Out of stock¥46,200
スイッチONですぐに走れる2.4GHzプロポKT-100を搭載した最強レディセット! 世界のインファーノの走りが気軽に楽しめる、理想の1/8GPバギー!
- Out of stock¥39,600The revolutionary design of the V-ONE S class undergoes its third evolution. Beginners through to expert drivers will be captivated.
- Out of stock¥52,250
京商カップを制するためのフルオプション仕様! すべてに最高峰を求めたエディション2が、勝利を引き寄せる。
- Out of stock¥37,400
熟成のシャシーでさらなる耐久性、メンテナンス性を獲得。 空力特性に優れるボディが高い戦闘力を発揮。
- Out of stock¥39,600Proven chassis shows even more durability and maintenance features. New design Touch Starter provides stress-free engine starting! Great for racing in the KYOSHO CUP!
- Out of stock¥39,600Proven chassis shows even more durability and maintenance features. New design Touch Starter provides stress-free engine starting! Great for racing in the KYOSHO CUP!
- Out of stock¥39,600
熟成のシャシーでさらなる耐久性、メンテナンス性を獲得。 空力特性に優れるボディが高い戦闘力を発揮。京商カップで大活躍すること間違いなし!
- Out of stock¥41,800Proven chassis shows even more durability and maintenance features. New design Touch Starter provides stress-free engine starting! Great for racing in the KYOSHO CUP!
- Out of stock¥41,800
熟成のシャシーでさらなる耐久性、メンテナンス性を獲得。 空力特性に優れるボディが高い戦闘力を発揮。京商カップで大活躍すること間違いなし!
- Out of stock¥44,000Proven chassis shows even more durability and maintenance features. New design Touch Starter provides stress-free engine starting! Great for racing in the KYOSHO CUP!
- Out of stock¥44,000Proven chassis shows even more durability and maintenance features. New design Touch Starter provides stress-free engine starting! Great for racing in the KYOSHO CUP!
- Out of stock¥66,000
GXR28SGエンジン+進化したシャシーがかなえた驚異のトラギー。 気軽に楽しめるレディセットで、世界最高峰の走りを体感!
- Out of stock¥57,200
Readyset features newly developed KE25 engine and 2.4GHz R/C system! World Champion Inferno DNA forms the core of a new generation chassis design!
- Out of stock¥57,200
新開発KE25エンジンと扱いやすい2.4GHzプロポを搭載した最強レディセット! 世界のインファーノのDNAと新世代シャシーが、感動の走りを実現!
- ¥59,400
Stadium truck Readyset feature packed with high-spec components! 2.4GHz R/C system equipped with failsafe function for extra peace of mind!
- Out of stock¥59,400
Stadium truck Readyset feature packed with high-spec components! 2.4GHz R/C system equipped with failsafe function for extra peace of mind!
- Out of stock¥46,200Ultimate Readyset features newly developed KE21R engine and user-friendly 2.4GHz R/C system! World-class Inferno DNA combines with a new generation chassis for spectacular performance!
- Out of stock¥46,200Ultimate Readyset features newly developed KE21R engine and user-friendly 2.4GHz R/C system! World-class Inferno DNA combines with a new generation chassis for spectacular performance!
- Out of stock¥60,500
ヨーロッパを沸かせているレーストレンドがついに出現! 大排気量エンジン「GXR28」エンジンを搭載したニュージャンル“インファーノGT”シリーズで、かつてないレーシング体験が始まる!!
- Out of stock¥63,800
1/8ツーリングが気軽に楽しめる“インファーノGT”が“GT2”に進化! ロングホイールベース化で、さらなる走りの世界を獲得。
- Out of stock¥63,800
1/8ツーリングが気軽に楽しめる“インファーノGT”が“GT2”に進化! ロングホイールベース化で、さらなる走りの世界を獲得。
- Out of stock¥63,800
1/8ツーリングが気軽に楽しめる“インファーノGT”が“GT2”に進化! ロングホイールベース化で、さらなる走りの世界を獲得。
- Out of stock¥63,800
1/8ツーリングが気軽に楽しめる“インファーノGT”が“GT2”に進化! ロングホイールベース化で、さらなる走りの世界を獲得。
- Out of stock¥89,650Long wheelbase chassis powered by the SIRIO S24T engine! 2-speed A/T with dual disk brakes with reinforced parts for ultimate speed.
- ¥66,000
Large-scale machine evolves with a power surge in performance! Fully featured specifications can even take on high-speed circuit racing.
- Out of stock¥66,000
Large-scale machine evolves with a power surge in performance! Fully featured specifications can even take on high-speed circuit racing.
- ¥66,000
Large-scale machine evolves with a power surge in performance! Fully featured specifications can even take on high-speed circuit racing.
- Out of stock¥66,000
Large-scale machine evolves with a power surge in performance! Fully featured specifications can even take on high-speed circuit racing.
- Out of stock¥69,300
Kyosho adds the Ferrari 458 Italia GT2 to the legendary Inferno GT2 Line-up!!
- Out of stock¥57,200
世界選手権を8度制したインファーノが、待望レディセットになった! 手軽なプライスで憧れのMP9 TKI3の走り!夢のパッケージングが実現!