NYLON PROPELLER D12XP8 90412-08(Compatible Kits )
- Out of stock¥38,500
- Out of stock¥35,200
- Out of stock¥46,200
- Out of stock¥35,200
低翼入門にもぴったりの穏やかさを、スケールプレーンで実現。 実機同様のゆとりの安定性で、趣あふれるフライト体験!
- Out of stock¥38,500
- Out of stock¥61,600
Recreation of the 1926 Schneider Cup winner! Fly the breathtaking quality of this ARF plane in both EP & GP!
- Out of stock¥28,600Big 60-class size realizes calm and easy flight control that is ideal for training .
- Out of stock¥28,600Big 60-class size realizes calm and easy flight control that is ideal for training .
- Out of stock¥19,800Superior stall characteristics produce Kyosho’s unique beginner airplane performance! Can be flown as either GP or EP, even after purchase!
- Out of stock¥19,800Superior stall characteristics produce Kyosho’s unique beginner airplane performance! Can be flown as either GP or EP, even after purchase!
- Out of stock¥17,600Kyosho commemorates its 50th anniversary with this specially colored model. Beginner low wing fliers can challenge both EP and GP with this dual compatibility design!
- Out of stock¥20,900Ideal performer for low wing beginners to stunt training! Designed for compatibility with both GP and EP flight!
- Out of stock¥20,900Ideal performer for low wing beginners to stunt training! Designed for compatibility with both GP and EP flight!
- Out of stock¥31,900Big airplane fits neatly into trunk of a car! Separable fuselage and main wing make it easy to transport! Convertible between EP and GP versions! Ideal introduction to real low wing flight!
- ¥31,900Big airplane fits neatly into trunk of a car! Separable fuselage and main wing make it easy to transport! Convertible between EP and GP versions! Ideal introduction to real low wing flight!
- Out of stock¥23,100
Enjoy low wing flight in style with this replica competition model addition to the Calmato lineup.
- Out of stock¥26,400
憧れのWW Ⅱファイターがフィルム張り工場完成! 低翼入門にも最適な穏やかさと軽快なスタント性能を実現。
- Out of stock¥26,400
WWⅡ最高傑作戦闘機の呼び声高いP-51DをARFで再現。 軽量仕上げで高い運動性を発揮!
- Out of stock¥31,900
WWⅡ最高傑作戦闘機の呼び声高いP-51DをARFで再現。 軽量仕上げで高い運動性を発揮!
- Out of stock¥26,400
- Out of stock¥31,900The famous German fighter plane is recreated in 40-class. Almost completely pre-assembled so you can get airborne fast!
- Out of stock¥33,000Fly the distinctive form of Japan’s liquid-cooled engine fighter. Pre-assembled fuselage is pre-covered in film and fitted with retractable undercarriage!
- Out of stock¥37,400
- ¥37,400
Relive the epic struggle of the Battle of Britain with this famous German fighter! Fully assembled kit delivers even greater maneuverability than the original!
- Out of stock¥37,400
引込み脚+スプリットフラップ、複雑な迷彩塗装もリアルに再現。 4サイクル50エンジンで楽しめる、名戦闘機ならではの空中戦。
- Out of stock¥37,400
A 50-class reproduction of the famous German fighter. Retracts and flaps accurately recreate the flight style of the original.
- Out of stock¥41,800
50クラスエンジンで楽しむ、リアルな国産民間機! 実機をイメージさせる、胸に迫るフライトが楽しめる!
- Out of stock¥41,800
50クラスエンジンで楽しむ、リアルな国産民間機! 実機をイメージさせる、胸に迫るフライトが楽しめる!
- Out of stock¥47,300
【Japan Market Only】中・上級者でも満足出来る機体クオリティと飛行性能。 エンジンと電動モーター、どちらの仕様でも飛行可能な機体。