Muffler Coating Spray (40cc) 96185(Compatible Kits )
- Out of stock¥66,000
Brushless motor power generates breathtaking running power! Experience off-road like never before with stunningly realistic form!
- Out of stock¥26,180
- Out of stock¥26,180
- Out of stock¥32,780
日本全国で盛り上がるF-GPXを勝ち抜くためのSP KIT! 秘めたる性能を速さに変えるSPパーツを標準装備で限定販売!
- Out of stock¥26,180
- Out of stock¥44,000
リアルさを極め、迫力のエンジンサウンドでオフロードを駆け抜ける! スケールフィールとレーシング性能の両立を、レディセットで実現!
- Out of stock¥40,700
リアルなディティールと迫力のエンジンサウンド! 本物のスケールモデルの走りがここにあります。
- Out of stock¥40,700Exquisite detail and growling engine sound! Scale model looks and drives just like the real machine.
- Out of stock¥44,000
- Out of stock¥40,700Exquisite detail and growling engine sound! Scale model looks and drives just like the real machine.
- Out of stock¥33,000
走りまでリアルなラリーマシンが、ボディレスシャシーキットで登場! 好みのボディで楽しめて、スペアカーにも最適!
- Out of stock¥44,000
レースで勝つためのR246ブランドパーツを付属! Ver.2に進化した、京商トロフィーに最適なシャシーキット!
- Out of stock¥46,200
2-Speed A/T installed! Set your sights on the Kyosho Trophy! Limited release chassis kit for drivers looking for extra speed!
- Out of stock¥44,000
The convenience of 1/10 size but with the power of 1/8! Readyset with 2.4GHz R/C system pre-installed! Make way for this advanced high-performance mid-size monster truck!
- Out of stock¥41,800
手軽さは1/10のまま、走りは1/8の高性能。 新時代オフロードスポーツを実現する、18エンジンバギー。
- Out of stock¥41,800The user-friendliness of 1/10 combines with powerful 1/8 performance. 18-size engine Stadium Truck launches a new era in off-road sports.
- Out of stock¥44,000
1/10クラスの手軽さで、1/8クラスの豪快な走りが楽しめる! 扱いやすさと高性能を極めた、新時代の18エンジンバギー!
- Out of stock¥44,000Convenience of 1/10 class but with big 1/8 class excitement! New generation 18-size engine buggy combines user-friendliness with powerful performance!
- Out of stock¥81,400
とてつもない走行が楽しめる! 26エンジン2基搭載+3速A/T+4WD+バック(3ch仕様時)!
- Out of stock¥62,700Run light and fast! Get airborne! Emerge unscathed from a 2 meter drop test! Feature-packed with 4WD + 2-speed A/T + New QRC transmission + electronic starter in a Readyset package!
- Out of stock¥55,000
- Out of stock¥57,200
リジッドアクスル4WD+3速A/Tが叶えた豪快な走り! フェイルセーフ機能付2.4GHzプロポ搭載レディセットで、気軽に楽しもう!
- Out of stock¥57,200
Rigid axle 4WD combines with 3-speed A/T to generate incredible speed and power! Readyset includes 2.4GHz control system with failsafe function for extra peace of mind!
- ¥59,400
Go ballistic with rigid axle 4WD 3-speed A/T + 25-class engine power!––
- Out of stock¥49,500
- Out of stock¥66,000
- Out of stock¥119,900'04-'05 Inaugural World Champion, '06-'07 2nd Place and TQ, and World Champion again in '08-'09! Superior core performance evolved even further and the kit now includes a SIRIO engine!
- Out of stock¥74,800
チームKYOSHOの下選手のマシンをレプリカしたプレミアムな内容! WCチームエディション以上の進化を達成。下選手のエッセンスを投入したアッパーバージョン!
- Out of stock¥66,000Discover the magic of the advanced INFERNO chassis powered by a GXR28SG engine! Experience the racing DNA of the World Champion in Readyset package!
- Out of stock¥44,000Own the machine with World Champion DNA at the amazing Readyset price of 42,000 Yen!!
- Out of stock¥44,000World Champion DNA is infused into the best value in the sport buggy segment! Performance worthy of the Inferno name is now even easier to own!